teeth cleaning cost

Smile Bright: A Detailed Description to Teeth Cleaning Cost

  • Mar 13, 2024

A healthy smile needs more than regular brushing. Teeth cleaning procedures and root planning are key parts of dental care. They help keep our teeth and gums strong and happy. Let's dive into these steps for a brighter, healthier smile.

What is Teeth Cleaning?

Teeth cleaning is a professional dental care treatment. It removes tartar and plaque that build up on our teeth over time. If left unchecked, these can lead to cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems. Teeth cleaning is also known as scaling. It is like a deep cleaning of our teeth that helps to keep them in great shape.

Benefits of Teeth Cleaning:

Teeth cleaning is more than a routine dental procedure. It's essential for keeping our mouths healthy. Here's a closer look at the benefits:

1.Preventing Tooth Decay:

Teeth cleaning or scaling helps prevent tooth decay. This cleaning process removes stubborn tartar and plaque around the teeth and gums. These deposits can cause cavities if not removed. Regular scaling is for preventive care and keeps our smiles safe from decay.

2.Fresh Breath:

One big benefit of scaling is fresher breath. Tartar and plaque buildup can cause bad breath due to odour-causing bacteria. It also removes these deposits, helps keep our breath fresh and promotes better oral hygiene and confidence.

3.Brightening Smiles:

Teeth cleaning removes tartar and plaque and restores teeth's natural shine and colour. It makes our smile look more vibrant and confident.

4.Protecting Gums from Diseases:

Healthy gums are crucial for supporting our teeth. Scaling helps protect gums from disease. Tartar buildup can lead to gingivitis, which can become more severe if untreated. Scaling removes tartar and prevents future gum issues. This helps to keep our gums healthy.

5.Maintaining Strength and Sparkle:

Regular scaling is like a workout for our teeth. It helps keep our teeth strong and vital. The sparkle in our smiles reflects our teeth's health and strength.

Teeth Cleaning Procedure:

Scaling or teeth cleaning might sound complex, but it is simple and painless. It is an easy process that takes one sitting with the dentist. It revives your teeth and helps to prevent oral issues in the future. Here are the steps that will help you understand the process of teeth cleaning:

  • Examination:

    The dentist examines your teeth to see if you need scaling. Once the dentist examines your teeth, they will assign you a date. They will also provide you with some tips for before and aftercare.

  • Cleaning:

    Your dentist will use special tools to remove the tartar and plaque from the teeth and gums. This may involve ultrasonic tools or manual scaling instruments. Your dentist will use tools depending on how much buildup there is.

  • Root Planing:

    After scaling, the dentist smooths out the tooth roots. This helps prevent future tartar and plaque buildup. It promotes a healthier environment for the gums to reattach to the teeth.

  • Polishing:

    The final step involves polishing the teeth. This process helps to remove surface stains and leave them shiny.

Scaling and polishing work together to target visible and hidden oral threats. The process cleans and creates a smoother surface on the roots. It makes it harder for bacteria to reestablish themselves on a cleaner surface.

What Does Dental Tooth Cleaning Remove?

Teeth cleaning removes tartar and plaque. These are the main culprits behind tooth decay and gum disease. Tartar is a hard substance, and plaque is a sticky bacterial film. The teeth cleaning process removes tartar and plaque during the scaling process and ensures a clean surface for our teeth.

Teeth Cleaning Cost: Investing in Your Smile:

The cost of teeth cleaning in India ranges from Rs. 500 to Rs. 3000. The cost of teeth cleaning varies depending on several factors. An experienced dentist may charge more for their expertise. The extent of plaque and tartar buildup also affects the cost. More buildup requires more work, which can increase the price. The location of the dental clinic can also impact the cost. Clinics in big cities often charge more. Regular cleanings help prevent costly dental issues later. Teeth cleaning is a wise investment for oral health. It also has a long-lasting impact on your oral health. In return, you get a healthy and bright smile.

Finding Teeth Cleaning Services Near You

It is easy to find a dental professional for teeth cleaning. You can search for teeth cleaning near me online. A quick search can help you find a nearby dental clinic. It is essential to go for regular scaling with your dentist for optimal oral health. Teeth cleaning is advisable every six months to keep oral health healthy and free from dental issues.

Teeth Cleaning Before and After: See the Difference

teeth cleaning before and after

The impact of cleaning is clear in before and after pictures. Before cleaning, your teeth may show discoloration, plaque buildup, and a lack of shine. After cleaning, the transformation is remarkable. Your teeth regain their natural colour, brightness, and overall health. You can see instant results with teeth cleaning. It is highly effective and enhances your smile and looks.


Teeth cleaning and root planning are essential to keep your teeth and gums healthy. It is important to understand these procedures before you set to get it done for yourself. Teeth cleaning is a simple and effective way to enhance your smile and oral health. So, smile brightly and let teeth cleaning and root planning be your partners on the journey to optimal oral health. Regular brushing and professional cleaning are critical to a happy, healthy smile!