
Tooth Filling: Essential Guide to Restoring Your Teeth

Tooth filling treatment is performed by a dentist whenever there is damage to the tooth or a part of the tooth is decayed. The decayed part of the tooth is removed to prevent the complete loss of a tooth, and it is replaced with a filling material. In case of damage to the teeth, the damaged part is replaced with a filling material. Tooth filling can also be done merely to enhance the look of a tooth.

Tooth Filling in Dentistry:

Tooth filling is performed for many reasons. The tooth can suffer from negative consequences if the filling is not performed on time. Some of the reasons are:

1 – Preventing the Spread of Infection:

When you see decay in the tooth, you need to get it removed and replace it with a dental filling as soon as possible. This prevents the spread of decay/infection. You can identify decay with the presence of black discolouration on the tooth surface.

If delayed, decay will reach the centre of the tooth. The centre of the tooth contains tooth nerves. Once the nerves are infected, the tooth can no longer be treated with simple fillings. It will require a root canal treatment (removal of infected pulp) first. Root canal treatment requires the removal of a major chunk of the tooth. After replacing the nerves, this lost part of the tooth is restored with a filling material.

2 – Restoring the Strength of the Tooth:

In case of a tooth fracture, the fractured part gets replaced with a tooth-coloured filling or a restorative material. It restores the natural tooth structure.

If delayed, the tooth can end up fracturing further, which can lead to tooth loss. The tooth becomes weaker if there is a fracture or damage to a part of the tooth, increasing the importance of restoring the tooth on time.

3 – Restoring the Normal Function:

The damaged tooth can hamper the other teeth present in the mouth. Tooth filling can restore the size and shape of the tooth which restores the normal function of the teeth. This will enable a person to bite normally once again.

If delayed, it can cause discomfort while eating, damaging the remaining teeth and cheek tissues.

4 – Improving the Aesthetics:

At times, the teeth are restored to enhance their looks. Cosmetic restorations are usually sought when there are issues with the shape, size and colour of the tooth.

If delayed, it can lead to loss of confidence and social issues in a person's life. Tooth-coloured restorations are used to achieve an aesthetically impressive result. Once the filling is done, the person can expect to see a harmonious smile.

What Are the Different Types of Tooth Filling Materials?

There are multiple tooth filling options available. Depending on where your tooth is located and the size of the decay, the material is selected. The commonly used materials are as follows:

1 – Composite Resins:

Composite fillings consist of resin materials, monomers and silica. Composite restorations have a natural-looking appearance. It is not noticeable if performed with accuracy and taking shade matching into consideration. It can be used for the front as well as for the back teeth. They come in different shades and consistencies to match the tooth filling requirements.

Special Feature: They bond directly to the structure of the tooth, and this further enhances its strength. It is an excellent option for esthetic restoration of the front tooth as well.

2 – Glass Ionomer Fillings:

Glass ionomer fillings are made of acrylic acid and glass powder. They are available in multiple consistencies, which makes them usable for multiple types of restorations.

Special Feature: These restorations actually chemically bond to the tooth but are not nearly as strong. These fillings release fluoride, which helps guard against subsequent decay.

3 – Silver Amalgam Filling:

The age-old metal filling that is known for its strength is a silver amalgam filling. It is a mixture of mercury and silver alloy. It is mostly used to restore the back teeth because of its metallic appearance and physical strength.

Special Feature: The silver amalgam filling primarily bonds to the tooth walls through mechanical retention. They are chosen because of their strength and longevity in the mouth.

4 – Gold Fillings:

It is a combination of gold and other metals. It is available in various forms and can be easily adapted in the prepared cavity. It forms a close seal with the walls of the tooth.

Special Feature: They do not corrode, although they are costly: they are very strong and can withstand the bite forces effectively. It forms a very hard restoration, and it lasts for several decades. It can be used for direct and indirect restoration. Direct restorations are directly placed in the mouth, while indirect restorations require the restoration to be made in the lab.

5 – Porcelain Fillings:

Porcelain fillings are ceramic based. It can be used to make inlays/onlays. They are tooth-coloured and used for restoration when the damage is too big and can't be restored with the help of a simple tooth filling. In this case, the filling is prepared in the lab and later cemented on the tooth.

Special Feature: Porcelain is extremely durable and simulates the translucent qualities of the natural tooth, making it suitable for aesthetic areas.

What Is the General Process of a Tooth Filling Procedure?

Filling a tooth is a pretty straightforward process. Here are the general steps:

1. Anesthesia to the Region:

A local anaesthetic is given by the dentist to the affected tooth and surrounding area. This is done to minimize the discomfort in the area of the tooth filling.

2. Removing the Decay:

The affected portion of the tooth is removed with the help of a dental drill.

3. Filling the Tooth:

The dentist then places the selected filling material into the cavity.

4. Shaping the Filling:

The dentist sculpts the filling to your bite and polishes it for a smooth feel.

Caring for a Tooth Filling:

A care routine must be followed after a tooth filling. Every filling material has different qualities. You should speak to your dentist about the type of care required for your filling material.

In general, it is important to:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss to prevent cavities in the future.
  • Not bite on hard foods immediately after placing a filling, as it can damage it.
  • Follow-up with your dentist as instructed to check the condition of the filling.

Tooth Filling Cost for the Procedure:

The cost of a tooth filling cost is affected by multiple factors:

  • Type of filling material (more expensive ones being gold and porcelain).
  • Size of the cavity.
  • Location of the tooth.

Typically, a filling costs between INR 1,500 to INR 4,000 for composite or glass ionomer fillings. It may go up to INR 30,000 for gold or porcelain fillings.

FAQs About Tooth Fillings:

1. How Long Will a Filling Last?

A dental filling can easily last between 5 to 15 years if taken care of properly. It mostly depends on the type of the filling material, skills of the dentist and the extent of the decay.

2. Does Getting a Filling Hurt?

No, your dentist will numb the area, so you should not feel anything while your teeth are being filled.

3. Can I Eat Right After a Filling?

You should wait until the numbness wears off before eating so you don't bite your cheek or tongue. For the initial period, it is always better to avoid biting too hard from the restored tooth.

4. What Happens If I Don't Fill a Cavity?

If left untreated, the cavity will grow and may even end up destroying the whole tooth after causing multiple painful episodes.

5. Are There Any Risks Associated with a Tooth Filling?

There is a slight chance of getting tooth sensitivity after the filling is done, which would subside in a few days. It is very unlikely, but if there is increased discomfort or if you notice any unusual reaction, consult your dentist immediately.


A tooth filling is one of the most common types of dental procedures performed at a dental clinic. If you notice any discolouration on your tooth, consult your dentist immediately, as any delay can lead to the spread of decay, which can spoil your tooth completely. There are multiple tooth filling options available which can be selected as per your needs. The average cost of a tooth filling can range between INR 1,500 to 30,000. Proper care of the filling in the post-restorative period is important for maintaining your filling for the long term.